Thursday, February 8

Thankful Thursday

It's time to share five of the things that made my heart happy this week:

1. Quiet moments with Laney. We have Tuesdays all to ourselves when Kaden goes to preschool, and it's fun to have some girl time. I love it when we have time to look into each other's eyes and get to know each other better.

2. I love it when Kaden says grown-up stuff in his little boy voice. On Saturday AM, we all went to the Y together and then stopped by Starbuck's to keep chipping away at a gift certificate I have. Kaden calls anything from Starbuck's a "special drink," and he loves having his very own. They make a $1 kid's drink called "Vanilla Cream," which is basically steamed milk w/ vanilla flavoring in it. This was his first time having this drink, and after a few sips, he gleefully declared, "This is WHEELY WHEELY good!" It was probably funnier in person, but it made Josh and me laugh. There's so much joy in the little things!

3. The YMCA's free childcare. Enough said.

4. My wonderful hubby who is helping me find time to see my nutritionist again and make time to exercise. Thanks, babe!

5. When Laney and Kaden see each other for the first time in the morning, they both break out into huge smiles. It never fails to make me happy!

What are you thankful for today?


Lucinda Perry said...

I'm thankful for good friends! Although all of mine are miles and miles away, I'm thankful for the internet that allows us all to stay close!

Anonymous said...

love those thoughts...especially the quiet moments with Laney...I love thankful Thursdays!!

Anonymous said...

I'm thankful for my thankful sweetie!