Friday, May 25

Thankful Thursday

Even though it's technically Friday morning here in Tennessee, I haven't gone to bed yet, so it's still Thursday to me. That makes this post right on time! Here are some things I'm thankful for this week...

1.) A great anniversary with my sweetie. We were low-key homebodies (mostly because we were sitter-less), but we still had an awesome day ... because we were together! (Sappy, I know.) I love you, baby!

2.) My very own personal trainer! Granted, I'm only going to meet with her once a month or so, but I, Jennifer Hesse, have a personal trainer. This is huge for me. I was once the girl who hated to sweat, but exercise is slowly winning me over. Slowly but surely. And since I want to make sure that sweat is counting for something and working the areas I want to work, I met with one of the Y's trainers to develop a little plan of action. I like action plans. :-)

3.) A day at the lake with our dear friends Jeremy & Kenya. We headed out this afternoon for a picnic and fishing expedition on Jeremy's little fishing boat, which incidentally, Jeremy & Josh bought while we were at Cedarville (Jeremy was the financier, Josh was along for the ride). We had a GREAT time, and the kids loved playing in the water. The fish weren't biting near the shore, so the boys went out trolling right before sunset in search of one trophy fish. This was Kaden's first time fishing, and Josh wanted it to be memorable! On their way back to shore, just as they had given up, they got two bites...and Kaden got to reel in two fish with his daddy and Uncle Jeremy. A pretty memorable night for all three. :-) And just seeing the smiles on their faces made me very, very happy. My little boy is officially a fisherman!

4.) I fit in some pre-pregnancy jeans tonight. Yes, Laney is 13 months old ... Shush. :-) I'm doing the happy dance!

5.) Laney surprises me every day with her spunk and adventurous spirit. She makes me smile! Despite the fact that she's just getting steady on her walking legs, she loves to climb. I thought that Kaden was a climber b/c he was a boy, but it turns out that Josh and I are raising two fearless monkeys. :-) I'm telling you, they did NOT get this from me!

I hope that your weeks have been full of many blessings, too. Until next time!


Anonymous said...

Wow. That little boat is still going strong, huh? I remember it well. Glad you all could enjoy it!! :-) Makes me smile just envisioning it. I'm so happy you all enjoy one another's friendship! Long term friendships are the richest, the sweetest, and all around best! Blessings today!!

JLHesse said...

I knew you'd remember that little boat, Shelley! :-) You're right about "old friends" -- such a blessing! That's you, too!